Exploring & Hands-On Activities

Fairhaven is a homeschooling co-op that offers various opportunities to learn outside of the traditional curriculum.  We offer fun and fellowship through enrichment classes taught by parents, chapel, special events, field trips, service opportunites and more.  

Having fun in watercolor class on campus day

Campus Days

FCA meets two Thursdays a month, for a half-day of academic and/or practical skill building classes, plus an hour of chapel where we worship together and grow in God's Word.  Campus days are mandatory, as it is the heart of our co-op; all FCA family members look forward to this time of socializing and creating new friendships.

Field Trip to Gilchrist Farms

Field Trips

With many outings offered, your family will surely find something that will help them learn and grow.


Below are some reasons why we encourage field trips.

Field trip to Amazon Fulfillment Center

Homeschool field trips:

  1. Give everyone a break
  2. Quickly make an abstract textbook example real
  3. Bring pictures to life
  4. Allow you to have educational experiences with other people
  5. Bring history to life
  6. Help build community and friendships within Fairhaven
Volunteering at Children's Hunger Fund

Service Hours

Once a month we participate in service work.  We have been volunteering monthly at Children's Hunger Fund for the past seventeen years.


What's New


Thursday, February 6th

Campus Day #9

1pm - 4pm


Tuesday, February 11th

Mom's Night Out

6:30 pm


Thursday, February 13th

Garner Holt Production

Field Trip


Saturday, February 15th

Father/Daugther Event


Thursday, February 20th

Campus Day #10

1pm - 4pm


Thursday, February 27th

Park Day 1pm

CV Park


Friday,February 28th

Children's Hunger Fund

9am - 11am

Contact Us

Mailing Address:

P. O. Box 4246
Sunland, CA 91041


Admissions & Phone:

(818) 434-7533





Or use our online form 


Fairhaven Christian Academy is a religious educational institution.  It is a 501c3 non-profit charitable organization.  The school admits students of any race, color, national and ethical origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.  It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school administrated programs.

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© Fairhaven Christian Academy